A tool box with little or none things in it, which you get fer your birthday
Jordan Markle got an empty toolbox for his birthday...WHAT THE FUCK
by draino destroier April 20, 2010
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A compact car such as an old Toyota Camry that has been souped up usually with an oversized spoiler, mismatched bumper, and front vent, almost always driven by a tool.
Josh- Toolbox, nine o'clock.

Jake- Haha, nice 3 ft spoiler on your 4 ft car.
by JFordicus February 27, 2011
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A term used to describe someone who joined, switched into, or revealed that they were/are an Engineer after claiming otherwise for a long time. This is actually very common for students who originally wanted to do Engineering, but left it for something else because they thought it would end up boring, or because of annoying parents. In some rare cases, an art student will come out of the toolbox, and if they are successful they will be hated by everyone for being both left and right-brained.

Some warning signs could be: Tinkering when no one is around, playing with Legos too much, and casually building the Iron Man armor in the garage.
"Hey, did you hear Tony came out of the toolbox?"
"Pshh, doesn't surprise me. Animation was just a cover-up, I knew ever since I saw him 3D printing in the library"
by whispy82 February 3, 2015
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This is a phrase that means for a male to show off his genitalia to another person(s). Usually, this is done in a non-threatening way; possibly even verging on a friendly way.
My boss was having a rough day, so to brighten him up a bit I asked if he would like me to show 'em my toolbox.
by Cpt. Lazerus November 12, 2009
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That was the same toolbox trick he/she used on you last time, and for some reason you still missed it.
by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020
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A trick you pull out of a toolbox.
The girl pulled another trick out of her dusty toolbox, but couldn't remember why she put it there in the first place. Did she want it to be a toolbox trick?
by Solid Mantis December 4, 2020
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The Toolbox scale is meant to best represent the jobs most suitable for societal misfits within Canadian industry. Some jobs are simply meant for the more unconventional types of personality. While these people in many cases cannot hold down more normal jobs in society, in many cases they thrive in their ideal occupation. The list is not all inclusive, and only encompasses positions where observation based data has been collected.

Toolbox Scale in ascending order, with a higher level of misfit at the top.
1- Roofers and Basement Cribbers
2- Asphalt Crew, Road Crew, Welders
3- Pipeliners, Oilfield Camp Staff
4- Tree Planters, Drillers
5- Seismic Workers, Well Completions Crews, Wireline crews
6- Vacuum Truck & Picker Operators, Earthworks & Heavy Equipment Operators
7- Hazardous Waste and Sanitation Workers, Painters, Plumbers & HVac Workers
8- Pipefitters, Boilermakers, Iron Workers
9- Electricians, Land Surveyors, Carpenters, Warehouse Personnel (incl Shipper-Receivers)

10- Truckers, Bus Drivers, Industrial Health & Safety Workers
Those seismic workers are weird, but they rank higher than tree planters on the Toolbox Scale.
by Dr Phil's Nurse September 19, 2018
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