That first moment when the thought crosses your mind, "I think I have to pee".
I was so close to drifting off to sleep when I got the tinkle-inkling. As tired as I was, I knew peeing then would let me sleep later in the morning.
by lyvancic December 15, 2010
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Tinkle-Fart, a word meaning you tinkled and farted at the same time.
by kittyfizz June 4, 2021
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One of those small droplets that fly out of your stream of piss.
Don't forget to clean the left over tinkle sprinkle on the toliet.
by Jonny Teh Duck April 30, 2015
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(Noun) A situation in which a senior citizen uses the restroom in a pizzaz-y way.
"I just took a fat wrinkle tinkle, Cheryl. I don't think the nurses will be able to clean this one up."
by ejiu34jeofdcnf43pwnrifv October 6, 2022
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While urinating, occupying oneself with at least one free hand, usually with a small electronic device such as a smart phone. Used by Ruxin on the FX television series "The League."
I had to tinker tinkle, after I went to a public urinal, to continue texting my friend.
by Balf October 12, 2013
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Butthole tinkle is a young woman who likes to put alcohol up her butt and pee it out her butt. She's sexy with a wild side. Sometimes she likes balls on her chin
by Boooobahbooo March 14, 2017
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