"I don't care but Im gonna act like I do so people will like me"
Oh, shit Insert Random Rapper died? I don't even know this guy but "Thoughts and Prayers" 🙏🙏🙏
by supremejuiceman October 15, 2020
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A theoretical felony. The federally punishable act of thinking about unlawful acts, thinking of committing them, or having thoughts contrary to the will of the established government or relevant legal or social paradigm. An arrestable offense regardless of whether or not action has been taken towards the thought, even lacking traditional evidence of any kind of wrongdoing.

This idea is prevalent in the dystopian novel "1984," by british author George Orwell.
I'm glad Bush is out of office. I was sure I was going to get sent to Guantanomo for Thought Crimes.
by ubermatt2000 May 25, 2009
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I couldn’t care less (but one must keep up appearances, right?)
Frenemy has a family tragedy. "Thoughts and prayers."
by November 5, 2018
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It's a thought that is on the tip of your tongue but can't remember it.
I have a thought itch I can't remember.
by Titus Arillius September 21, 2017
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It's like a shower thought, but when the thought has started outside of the shower, then dwelled on through various iterations (like when you keep hitting next until you get to the weird part of YouTube), and then proposed to your friends as a serious question.
Jay: What makes a room a room and not a corridor?
Everyone: Interesting Jay Thought.
by Onyne July 8, 2020
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a thought by a person that is stoned that blows his or her mind
david is having stoner thoughts again.
by Ace20033 July 9, 2019
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One who rejects all ideas that come from outside of their own mind. These people are often camilles and are generally speaking close minded and insolent.
Person 1: Hey I have this terrific idea that could possibly end world hunger!
Thought Nazi: Fuck your thoughts!
by djMcBa December 16, 2011
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