Tennis ball (not the urban definition tennis ball). Young teenagers would carry around or have quick access to a tennis ball in order to play one of many urban wall ball games. This was ever more popular before the home videogame console craze when kids went outside more often.
"Go get your tenni so we can play stepball."
"Johnny roofed my tenni."
by Chewy April 1, 2005
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The sport in which nobody can beat Sasha Yodashkin.
Sasha Yodashkin is the best tennis player in the world.
by yodaa January 27, 2009
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This is a sport in which primarily gay/transsexual males take it upon themselves to play with balls. This sport is worldly renown for it's casual, laid-back style of play. Almost anyone can pick up a racket and master the 'art' of tennis, it's really nothing of a challenge. Most players actually (after match), whether they won or lost, will proceed to have sexual intercourse rigorously until one of partners collapses of exhaustion. Simply put, it is essentially a big joke.
Ken: Yo bro im about to go hit the court and play some tennis!
Everyone else: fuck off fag who cares idiot smh small headass

Ken: damn you right!
by kenisgay January 10, 2018
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A seemingly endless interchange of emails without any useful outcome.
"I'm getting hacked off with this email tennis ...where's it getting us ?"
"Let's end the email tennis. What do you REALLY want?"
by Marshallasthefish November 15, 2007
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(n.) A game involving two players, the rules are simple. One person rips ass; this was the serve. The opposing player will try and return the serve with another fart. If he or she cannot do it, the server gets the point. If the opposing player, however, does return the serve, the server must return back with yet another fart. This continues, just like a game of tennis, until somebody recieved 70 luv, somebody shits their pants, or until somebody passes out.
"Erin and I played a ROUSING game of fart tennis tonight! She's passed out on the living room floor in a big pool of shit!"
by Little Miss Erin December 28, 2006
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When a person declares a YouTube Poop Tennis match, they let the person they challenged watch the YouTube Poop Tennis video and then they have to continue the story from the challenger's YouTube Poop. If one person cannot continue on, the other person wins the tennis match.
I did pretty well in the YTP Tennis match, but I still lost.
by redboy12 June 23, 2008
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To play with your self through your trouser pocket
Steve, are you looking for loose change or playing pocket tennis?
by mr smith March 8, 2005
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