5 definitions by yodaa

A rip-off of pokemon. The biggest difference is that all the characters in digimon are gay.
by yodaa February 2, 2009
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A blonde russian tennis player whose great with women and is extremely athletic and fast.

A synonym for guy with big penis.
by yodaa January 27, 2009
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The sport in which nobody can beat Sasha Yodashkin.
Sasha Yodashkin is the best tennis player in the world.
by yodaa January 27, 2009
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Really cool animal monster dudes who jock on all dem haters.
I used the pokemon dragonite to make my opponent's pokemon charizard faint.
by yodaa February 2, 2009
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A tennis player currently ranked number 1 in the world, even though he wouldn't even be able to win a point in a match against Sasha Yodashkin
Rafael Nadal lost easily to Sasha Yodashkin in straight sets 6-0 6-0 6-0, without even winning a point.
by yodaa January 27, 2009
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