as you are a kid these guys may get n your nerves by throwing some Fucking homework on you're desk and you can get so pissed off at these adults because they have power over you and you do not have any power for twelve fucking years but at the end of high school you'll look back and realize that these son of a bitches actually helped you get somewhere in life
im mad at my fucking teacher
by palomino chitwood December 7, 2018
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They can be nice or mean. You can have a favorite. And that teacher is the best
by Awesome Person55 February 3, 2016
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Someone who hates Wikipedia because anyone can put their own definition for something, but uses the urban dictionary, even though anyone can put their own definition.
Dude, my teacher always makes me find a new site for my essay when she finds out I used Wikipedia, but yesterday she used the urban dictionary to look up oofergang, and ignored the top definition.
by Icywarhammer50 December 9, 2018
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Those who can't do so teach; but those who can't teach, teach gym
My Teacher has a degree in Geology, but since he's not good as a Geologist, he decided to teach in a crappy ass school
by J - Jay May 14, 2009
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Someone who gets excessively interested every time you say something.
Student:I used to be friends with that girl(chuckling)
Teacher:So why did you get rid of her?
Student mentally curses and explains,although she doesn't really want to.
by SomeoneNew May 28, 2011
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