Talking bad about someone behind their back or to their face.
"Hey, I heard someone trip talkin' you."

"She started trip talkin' me last night"
by rem134 March 14, 2015
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To speak ill about a person.
Shit talking.
Talking shit about someone.
That burn ho is always talkin froth about errbody.
I wish they'd stop with all that froth talkin, it's gettin stale.
by ChandyPants313 November 8, 2019
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Conversation about mustaches between two men, who either currently wear, or recently wore mustaches.
"Sorry it took me so long at the store, the cashier and I got to talkin' mustache and I lost track of time."
by n053b133d September 3, 2011
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a) a person who obliterates people with his/her words
b) a smooth talkin or loquacious person.
c) a person with the ability to talk someone to death
Man 1: He's such a talkin parrot.
Man 2: I agree, he killed me with his words.
by maymay and ally January 30, 2010
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A person constantly talking about what he or she is going to do or want to do, which usually cost money, but have no plans or means to achieve such things.
Tyrone is always "talkin' dreams" with his broke ass.
by Mr. Flatulence May 30, 2014
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lovin, touchin, squeezin. talking and pillows are optional
why are we fighting right now when we could be pillow talkin?
why does she always have to be talking when i just wanna pillow talk.
by dollarzz December 8, 2008
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