A demand made on internet forums to post images of a currently discussed topic. A lack of images is tantamount to a lack of proof; hence the consequence is "shens" or shenanigans. See pics or stfu

Roughly translated, it means "show images of said topic or I will consider your claim to be false"
Cantankerously: OMFG Ellen Degeneres was found dead, drowned.

Catmando: Pics or shens.
by BurnDown July 28, 2004
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A popular term for crack cocaine used mainly in the deep south although the term is catching on in the Midwest also. It's called that primarily because the pusher know that the drugs are coming to the Gulf Coast from outside of the country on small boats like the Haitians did.
by VAKI5 September 25, 2003
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The greatest mathamatecian to ever grace the world. Can only be found in the state of North Carolina.
That's Shen Z.!!!
by Ice February 2, 2004
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Going to the toilet during a lesson, in an exam or when you shouldn't in school or college.
John: Miss, can I go to the toilet?
Teacher: Sure
Emily: where did John go?
Peter: He's doing a wei shen
by Maths Genius February 3, 2013
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A man who is a god in the modern society. Many people hate him and dislike his skill at the popular video game Valorant. He is insane
Shane: I hate Kwong Jun Shen
Jayden: He did get 73 kills in a game though
Shane: I hope he kills himself
by kwongjunshenlover July 28, 2021
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