The phrase "scramble time" is used to described someone who's face is so ugly that it can only be compared to scrambled eggs.

When a person says "scramble time" it is often occumpanied by waving an open hand in front of the face with the back of the hand facing out. Thus mimicing a spatula mixing scrambled eggs.
"Your face is scramble time!"

"Hey scramble time! Go back to God and ask for a side of bacon!"

"Alright stop................It's scramble time!"
by Bizzzle November 24, 2006
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To crack an egg in a girls anus and have anal sex with her until the egg is completely scrambled.

Add some salt and pepper and enjoy!
Sam: bruh I gave my girl the Taiwanese Scramble last night
Lily: don’t talk to me
by Joshua Conduit May 30, 2020
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1) Miss Scramble is the queen of scrambled eggs, able to whip up a storm for a truckload of hungry lumberjacks with a few frying pans, stacks of egg cartons, and gallons of oil. She single-handedly saved the organic egg market after Paul Bunyan (that madlad) wanted some good eats, but was stuck inside due to COVID-19. Scramble, whose business had just enrolled in Postmates delivery, received an order of 20,000 eggs' worth of omelets from Bunyan and delivered to him within the hour, buying out every farmer's stock of eggs in a 100 mile radius. She is hailed as the Princess of Poach, Baroness of the Boiled, the Deviled Duchess, and has been bestowed the Tamago Tiara.

2) A phrase commonly misspelled, with variations like misscramble, miscramble, and mis-scramble, meaning incorrectly following the directions of a pre-determined scramble of a Rubik's cube.
1) Bob: "I would simp for Miss Scramble. Even though she ain't the tig biddy goth girl I want, she's a keeper 'cause she can sure scramble my eggs.

2) Joe: "Does anyone know how to spell misscramble?"
Evan: "Nope, I doubt it. Mis-scramble is just one that the Internet can't agree upon to spell, just like the way GIF is said."
by NotACube July 24, 2020
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When eggs are poured inside of a woman's vagina where they are held there for a various period of time to scramble before being excreted onto a plate or slice of toast. A popular breakfast dish amongst horny older men
Customer: just some eggs on toast plz
Waitress: how would you like your eggs cooked?
Customer: cunt scrambled please
by so potato September 30, 2014
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When you ease an egg into the ass of your girl, then you fuck her pussy so hard it actually scrambles in her ass! Then you feed it to the neighbors kids!
The scrambled egg popped up agin! The whole neighborhood is eating cereal now!
by DukeEfan May 13, 2018
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In order to correctly pull of the "Portuguese Scramble" one must crack 3 to 4 eggs into a woman's vagina and/or butthole (often times a funnel is needed for this procedure to be performed adequately). Next, one must use one's penis and/or penis-like appendage as a sort of plunging whisk and penetrate the woman's egg laden orifice. After "scrambling" the eggs adequately, one must then instruct the egg burdened woman to squat over a hot skillet and push the freshly scrambled eggs into the aforementioned skillet. Cook until eggs are fluffy. Add Salt, pepper, and semen to taste. Enjoy.
"Perhaps for breakfast my girlfriend and I can whip you up a quick Portuguese Scramble."
by Dewmore D. Didwell August 8, 2013
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To be in a hurry or in a situation where you are trying to get your stuff together.
Yo I was in scramble mode this morning trying to make the job interview on time. I couldn't find my keys and made a wrong turn and got lost son.
by Justin Stanley August 7, 2006
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