Positive Reflections is the reflection of positivity that you can bring from any situation. Many things in life are trivial and without the knowledge that there is positivity in everything you could look right past it. With a positive thinking process template at hand you can see the signs of distraction, negativity, and or confusion to make the positive decision that makes the most sense in your situation. Raising Grace Research and Self Health Maryland are developing resources to build better habits in everyday living. Let us be apart of your encouragement towards better living.
Through Positive Reflections I found the best way to get things done right and not rushed.
The day had gone a rye everything was up in the air and all I could do was put Positive Reflections towards it to get through the day.
by Raising Grace July 17, 2022
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Reflection is the process of displacing one's feelings onto a different person, animal, or object.
Reflection is a defense mechanism that people use by unconsciously externalizing difficult emotions and putting them onto others. When someone reflects their insecurities onto another, they are “taking out” their emotional issues on someone else.
"You're reflecting how you feel onto me as if I'm the one who feels that way. "
by Anon194747 April 7, 2021
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When you punch a hole in the mirror and penetrate your terrified reflection with your boner. This is also known as 2nd dimension Raping.
several convicts were sent to australia in 1776 convicted of reflection rape

"I haven't gotten any thatch in a year, i'm gonna have to result to reflection rape, god save the queen!"
by Bath Wanker October 8, 2018
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If thou reflects thou is probably a glass mirror therefore thou shall b smashed on thy opps head
“Oh yeh that opp was getting mad disrespectful so uno man had to hit him with the law of reflection”
by El Zakko May 10, 2022
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The act of accumulating heavy bags. No stake, no claim, just reflections.
Hey Chad, do you enjoy reflecting? Yes, of course - I enjoy constant accumulations and heavy reflecting.
by Fisher Chad McPherson December 7, 2021
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Zeus was so pleased with his own reflection that he had slaves build a colossel statue of him overlooking the bay so that he could watch himself at all times. Then one day people did the unthinkable, they started to stand up to him. He wanted people to love him even though some of them started to find out he wasn't as spooky as he claimed to be.
by The Original Agahnim October 19, 2021
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Having a personal life reflection and recollecting the world and social life before the 2020 SARS 2/ Coronavirus pandemic: inducing deep feeling/emotions, nostalgia, sadness, happiness, grief, regret, etc. inspiring one to make changes for the better or causing one slip into depression.
While looking at photos and videos on my phone from summer 2019, I became overwhelmed with emotion because I miss those times; I may be suffering from RRS, Rona Reflection Syndrome.
by C.Prose December 2, 2020
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