Another word for hypocrite.

They hate reposters, yet they repost
They hate emojis, yet they pay for awards which are also emojis
They say TikTok is cringe, yet their memes are cringey
They hate Fortnite because it's repetitive, yet scrolling through Reddit is also repetitive
They worship Keanu Reeves, yet never watched his movies
They call out Instagram for stealing their memes, yet they steal memes from 9GAG sometimes
They hate the USA and worship Europe, yet they're not even European
They hate racists, yet they're xenophobic which is also racist
They hate boomers, yet they act like boomers and are sometimes 40 year olds which are almost boomers
They say people with bad spelling are having a stroke, yet they have bad spelling

In conclusion, Redditors are fucking hypocrites.
TikTok you way to Fortnite: *exists*

Redditors: I fear no man, but that thing... It scares me
by IdekIForgotMyName February 15, 2021
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Guy 1: Man, John is a redditor and I bet he will always be
Guy 2: Yeah, he might be forever
John: Dude What the fuck?!
by Real Sticky boi February 23, 2021
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A user of Reddit, usually used to refer someone as overwieght.
Friend 1: is the diet working and do I look skinnier?
Friend 2: nope, you still look like a Redditor
by Franek5007 December 9, 2021
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Someone who uses the popular application Reddit. They come in an array of varieties, often not showering for weeks at a time. It is also common that they will add unnecessary reaction images to their content. Their main religion is the holy empire of Keanu Reeves and Big Chungus. They are often also rivaled to iFunniers. Most can be characterized as neckbeards; wholesome-loving degenerates.
"I walked by a Redditor today, he was playing Minecraft P.E." "How was it?" "Puke inducing."
by Obamarang April 6, 2020
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A fancy way of calling a person a fatass.
Kyle: Cartman, You're Such A Redditor.
Eric Cartman: Well At Least I'm Not A Stupid Twitter User.
by Cynical Man April 9, 2021
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A fatass who think their opinion is correct all times
Person1: i like fortnite ngl lol
Person2:me too lol
Person1:stfu redditor
by BrosBros May 19, 2022
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Redditor is braindead person who think Own opinion is correct all times. Absolutely, They live in Their parents house. Never got a job, They call "Reddit mod" As a job. Espically, 90% Of them are calling someone "Touch grass", But when they aren't.
Person1:i love fortnite tbh lol
Person1:stfu redditor
by BrosBros May 19, 2022
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