something that smells or taste or even looks so disgusting you cant even imagine what it is!
something the makes your face go all weird and then you scream rank because its the only word that fitss how gross this deformed figure may be.
" holyyy shittt mannn did you see that guys facee it was rank as fuck! godd"

" that hotdog taste like rank shitt"

" eww that girl jsut barfed up her mexican surpise RANKKKKKKKKK"
by Joy April 1, 2007
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adj.1) something that smells bad
adj.2) something that is really awful
Correct: Dude, that was rank.
Incorrect: Something is really rank in here.
by Anonymous May 14, 2003
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Nasty, ewww,Less, Just not fucking good!
I feel rank, that food was horrid.
You smell so rank when you dont wash!
Your hair looks rank.
by Ethan West January 1, 2006
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When something is cute but silly at the same time
*pulling a cheesy grin with squinty eyes*

"Gosh your rank Mark"
by SezyShowerBeerzzz December 16, 2020
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Something that is intense ; can be used to discribe good or bad
"Did u see that trick, it was rank!"

"Rank that's rank"
by Little Jenn September 15, 2015
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The smell of a dirty ass female who hasn't washed her thang in 3 months!
Holy Shi...That girl is rank!
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