Not a gun, unless you make it a gun, don't add gunpowder, you eat that, big slingshot, it's anything but a gun!
Stanger: hey kids, do you want a high speed projectile launcher?

Kids: yeah!
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When a person has consumed an excess of alcohol and projectile vomits which covers a large surface area
- Dude, i threw up chinese

- what?

- I threw up everywhere

- Thats called Projectile Voriental brah
by James the Jimmy August 26, 2009
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I ate spoiled food and 30 minutes later my stomach feels full and have a weird feeling in my throat but then out of nowhere instead of vomit ANGER!! ANGER!! 3x with gagging.
by Projectile anger July 1, 2022
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When you like (almost) everything on someone's Facebook account. Usually caused by having a crush on someone and deciding that the best way to show your appreciation for him or her is to like everything that he or she has ever said, uploaded, or did. The most commonly projectile liked things are the profile pictures, followed by statuses.
A: Did you see C's Facebook account? D has liked everything he has ever posted or made his profile picture.
B: Yeah, D's into C as of the moment and somehow she thinks that projectile likes are how someone should show their feelings... by way of Facebook likes.
by mypluginbby July 10, 2013
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where someone flys up in the air and let’s out a unlucky projectile mouth hit poo , where they diarrhoea directory into ur mouth
Bethany why are you fl-“

by officialbumslurper May 29, 2021
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