You guys are fucking idiots. Popular kids aren't always "chavs" like you all say. Just because they are arrogant jackasses at your school, doesn't mean they all are. I admit, I'm a jock/popular kid, but I don't go around acting "propa hard" or "act gangsta" or beat people up. So shut the fuck up.
Hi hi hi hihi bjkdfsbjkgdsbhklgdsbdf
by A guy. April 18, 2005
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When one individual is liked by most/all of their peers and no one can say anything negative about them. Popular is not rich, mean people who think they're better than anybody else (at least according to me). Whoever thinks this is really shallow and needs to get to know people first before making stereotypes.
Billy-Jean: Amy is so nice to everybody!
Billy-Bob: Yeah, she's popular.
by gretchh June 5, 2007
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Someone who thinks they rule the world at their school but then grow up and realize the REAL world doesn't care if your daddy has lots of money and your mom blew the principal to keep your grades up....
snotty, usually well off brats that end up living in their parents basement when they drop out of college.
oh yeah...ha ha.
Ex. "wow, Emily used to be popular. Now she's just a pathetic slut with 3 kids"
by @STONEpq February 5, 2004
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a word that used to mean: cool and welll liked by other people.
these days it refers to a bitchy person, typically a girl in this sense, that likes to talk shit about other girls, have sex with everything in site, lower other peoples self esteem, and brush her hair.
girl 1- omg that bitch just stole my boyfriend and fucked him while brushing her hair!

girl 2- wow shes so popular.
by raych90210 May 8, 2009
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when people have many friends, are well known ( even tho secretly they dont feel close to any of thier friends and wish they had someone who really understood them)and go out and have fun and usually goes without saying they go to all parties
random kid :"i wish i was popular like sarah, then i could go to jasons party"
by Adrienne, the strange October 6, 2004
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someone who is well liked and has a lot of true friends, usually has fashionable clothes,most ppl who may not even be a close friend know her and not just nescisarily in her grade,it is assumed that popular ppl end up as nobodys working at mcdonalds but it is not true u can be smart, get good grades and be popular, u could have talent as well and get famous after that
that girl is the most popular girl in the grade,mabye even in the school.
by mo August 26, 2004
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cool, like a stud
"Who's that Marc kid surrounded by all the chicks? "
"Oh he's popular"
by Darth Blaise January 9, 2015
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