
Though it generally means shit or feces, when you poop something it can also mean you launch it or throw it very far.
Example A: Look at those football players, pooping their football around
Example B: The cat was being annoying so I pooped him across the yard
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 19, 2010
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The Original: One that slips out easily, and you wipe only 1 time.
The Infinite: one that takes 100 days to poop out.
The Pooballs: a kind of poop that those not go in the water, it goes on your balls!
The DIFFERENT Pooballs: Poop shaped like balls.
The Corn: Poop with corn in/on it!
The Suprise: You try to fart, but start pooping your pants in public!
The Drink: Pee coming out of your anus.
The DIFFERENT Drink: kind of poop Jim had after a night of drinking.
The I CANT POOP! Poop: The kind of poop that won't come out.
The Fart: You know what The Fart is.
The Anus Steak Burger: Kind of poop after eating a burger.
The Ice Cream Poop: Kind of poop after eating ice cream.
The Shart Poop: Farting, but a little of poop comes out.
Jim: I had a night of drinking now i have to poop!
by u2dvdbono August 10, 2010
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a delicacy enjoyed by every alpha male and all beloved joe (s)
Person 1: joe did you devour some poop today?
Joe: You bet your fukin sweet ass I did
by 3inchorcoochornothinatall October 3, 2019
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A toilet humor version of saying owned. Used often in video games, sports, or just beating someone at something.
Jim: "Almost got the game winning kill! Camping in Quarry was such a good idea!"
*Javelin Noob spams a javelin missle and kills him. Game ends.
Random noob: "OH YEAH BABY!!! Pooped On!!!!"
by Remlap1223 April 20, 2010
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to pwn someone at something. when someting bad happens to them. usually being funny
Wow, i pooped on allan yesterday on Halo3
by Pozar December 10, 2007
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An item that is commonly used in comical senses. Also used to disgust wife/friends/neighbors etc. Makes a great gift in a bag.
Hey Bill come check out this poo in here!
by Kyle January 14, 2005
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Poop: (aka: Shit, Mr. Big, Butt-Mud)

A smelly, oily substance thats is usually created by eating McDonalds, or an intoxicated late night binge at the local Taco Bell. Discharged from Uranus, "poop" is usually identified by it's offensive smell, and color changing appearence.
(Colors can very from "Baby Poo Brown", "Rum Bum Black", "Beer Butt Yellow" or the dreaded "Fuck me, I cant remember anything about last night, accept I killed a hooker, ate her brains, and took a poop in her mouth Green")
by MC KILLBOT 5000 September 25, 2005
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