In the WWII-Korean War period, a prophylactic kit (Pro-kit, Prokit, Pro kit) was a military-issued packet for use by male service personnel if they were going to engage in sexual intercourse with a female of unknown "credentials." Military authorities emphasized the need to prevent the spread of venereal diseases, and in the furtherance of that effort the free Pro-kit was distributed to personnel going on leave or into town on a pass. The Pro-kit, in one form at least, consisted of an instruction sheet, a condom, a disposable pre-moistened wash cloth containing an antibacterial soap, a cleansing tissue and a small tube of antibacterial ointment which was to be injected into the penis and massaged as far as possible along the urethra, all in an effort to prevent the contraction of a venereal infection. It is amusing that currently a number of businesses and corporations use Pro-kit (Prokit or Pro kit) as their name or the name of their product. It is probable that anyone responsible for the adoption of such a name was either too young or naive to be aware of the name's origins.
He was planning a wild night on the town, so before he left the base he got a couple of Pro-kits from the Company Medic.
by Clicker Guy October 14, 2013
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A problem that you can't fix, and you will never be able to fix.
Dude i just ran out of gas" said Travis. Mavis replied "hit no kit bro
by Mikey DaVillan January 1, 2011
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A character from The Walking Dead comics who hangs minorities and protects the whites in a KKK group in the zombie apocalypse from Volume 17: Something To Fear
"See those those bodies in the trees?" "That is the work of Kit the Lyncher!"
by DoctorrNick December 8, 2014
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1. The act of making obnoxious Slurping noises with your facial orifices, such as your mouth.

2. The act of eating out a girl while making gross slurping noises.
My boy Kanye pulled a total Kit Combo when eating out his neighbor!
by Smoky Minutae January 14, 2020
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Kit Harington is a British actor, who is mostly known for his role as Jon Snow in HBO's Game of Thrones. He's also fucking hot.
Girl 1: "Kit Harington could get it in, if you know what I mean"
Girl 2: "Gurllll, tell me about it. I would and I could in every position"
by swaggyswagyolohipsterswagger November 6, 2014
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A bowel cancer testing kit, sent to the over 50's by the Australian and other governments. They send the kit, you send back your poo sample to a laboratory for testing.
Sarah turned 50 and was sent her Shit Kit to determine whether she had bowel cancer or not
by Skippykane November 5, 2018
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The penis and testicles when referred to as an interconnected unit for high performance coitus
Bill used a brand new razor to detail out his race kit for he and Amy’s mutual enjoyment.
by high mountain raw dog January 5, 2010
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