love is something that now in days is thrown around a lot but in the long run it means so much. it means that no matter what happens you will fight for one another and no matter what you wont let each other go with out putting up a fight. love is not when you think that those tacos are the best things in the world it's when you know deep down that you could spend the rest of your life with them. love hurts if it is not used responsibly and wisely. love when you build up this wall in your heart for so many years and afraid to give your love to anyone but then when you find that person then you tear that wall down not knowing what will happen leaving your self completely exposed not knowing weather they will take your love or betray you love. True love is worth a thousand words.
I know your the hottest, smartest, funnest, and the nicest person and that you can get almost anybody on the face on this earth but i love you more than anything else in this world so i give you my heart just please reach out and take it. LOVE IS WHAT I HAVE FOR YOU
by love is my middle name November 8, 2017
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ExI love you
Ex kisses

by CC4320 October 16, 2018
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Caring more about someone else's happiness than your own.
He loved her so much that he let her walk away.
by sonofanassbut April 1, 2017
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To care about someone so much that your happiness doesn't matter anymore - just theirs. There's nothing you won't do for them, you just want them to be happy. They fill you with wonder, you are completely amazed by them. And when you are in love with someone, you'll even let them be with someone else if they can be happier without you. Its a feeling that runs so deep it conquers everything. You're not afraid of anything. All you want is them, and their happiness. They are your number one priority, over yourself and everything you know.
They are your world. And you can only wish to be theirs.
"I am so in love with you so much that I'm leaving you. I can't make you happy. But he can. So go be with him. Cause I'd rather be miserable without you then be with you while you're miserable."
by Esti October 9, 2006
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To display affection towards (someone), especially in a dramatic manner.
My boss got mad when Helen leaned over the counter to hug me: "If she wants to buy something, let her...but if she just wants to love on you, save it for quitting time."
by Ingeborg S. Nordén May 15, 2006
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used by james charles

just mean you love something
just got my pinkity drinkity, love that
by Hottie69420 August 14, 2018
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