When two guys shave each other's pubes before anal sex. The giver shoves the pubes up the receivers ass hole to create a nest that creates more bounce for the giver.
Gerbs : "Hey, shall we try nesting each other?!"
Fred : "Sure thing, I'll go get the razor so we can shave"
Gerbs : "I just can't get enough of how much more bounce I get when we are nesting"
by T0382 January 11, 2017
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When someone thinks that its fun to try and be the last one to comment on a chat. Involves a lot of comments like "hdifhaafinuciwepi" or " !!!!!" very anoying for people who are trying to have an actual chat.
person1 says: So what are you doing Saturday? Leah's throwing a party.

person2 says: hdcguyforuifgbcnxak

person3 says: Nuthin. Cool, can i come?

person2 says: isduhpi9uncejwlxax

person1 says: Dude! would u cut it out with the nesting?!?! what are ya, like 4?
by Belatrix7 June 29, 2009
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When one takes a handful of pubes and dumps them into another man's beer.
Paul: Yo Ryan did you here what Doug did at last nights frat party?
Ryan: Yeah bro, I hear he was nesting
Paul: damn straight
by Mommummummylois February 14, 2016
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to drop short curleys in another's drink and its not known till its drunk.
Did you hear that bitch gag from my nesting?
by yoyo bro June 9, 2006
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When You Finger An S.O.s Grundle Very Quikly
"Give Me a The Nest Faster Than .99!"
by Maia July 14, 2002
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1. A shelter of high elevation, although obscured from view, serving as a tactical vantage point over a large area, typically associated with Snipers.

2. Upper mast of a ship, used as a lookout
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated the President from the safety of his crows nest.
by 🐺 August 26, 2017
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The patch of hair that is above the ass crack, can be seen on a man or women, but most commonly seen on middle age to elderly caucasian men. Is referred to as a "Shrimp Nest" because generally adolescent shrimp need a safe place to mature and stay in shallower water with more cover like sticks and seaweed hence the safety of a person's back hair patch for prepubescent shrimp to call their nest.

Sometimes referred to as a "Skrimp Nest" when referring to Afro American people.
My girlfriend loves running her fingers through my shrimp nest.
by Jeffrey James Longdonger January 12, 2011
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