An idiom that describes how one gets through a situation: either by getting external assistance (ladder) or "climbing" out of it unassisted (lemur).
Sometimes, when life gets hard, you only have two choices: ladder or lemur.
by LadderOrLemur June 6, 2018
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A slang term for a fat raccoon
They aren't trash pandas they're thicc lemurs
by The nerdy overlord January 23, 2019
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A skanky hooker name used for a female, who is about 5''2, has large thighs, a really hairy stomach, and is irish and brazillian. She is a regular at dairy queen but isn't there to get ice cream. She spends her time in a shady van with an unexperienced boy with a large sausage. She commenly has the expression of a lemur who has just spotted a ripe banana.
Dayumm exotic lemur, how much for an hour at dairy queen?
by Jacley June 16, 2009
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1. The antithesis of porch monkeys
2. A myriad white people on a porch
e.g. On liberty avenue there seemed to be a bunch of porch lemurs about.
by porchlemur1 August 21, 2010
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when a man engages in anal sex with 5 or more persons of either sex which have not wiped their anus in a long period of time. This act leaves multiple rings on the man's penis.

To preform you must gather 5 or more people with shitty bums and engage in anal sex and spinning each partner higher and higher along the shaft of the penis creating the rings.
"your dick stinks"

"yes yes it does"

"what happened?"

"ring tailed lemur" *WINKY FACE*
by xbdgcbvtr December 17, 2010
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The most lamest un-beastly animal alive, that is soo less beastly compared to the amazing beastly wombat. This animal sucks!
OMG i hate that gay Red Ruffed Lemur that animal is so un-beastly.
by Billyroxmysox March 17, 2008
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A person of small stature with ninjaesque abilities.
"You be like a surprise lemur in a box gurl! I did not even see ya!"
by Alexander Axel Axline February 23, 2009
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