When you get knocked out of a Holdem tournament with Pocket Rockets (two aces)
Fock, I had the guy with my pocket rockets until he gave me an Iraqi Shower with his high straight.
by kiwiholdem August 17, 2006
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kimi: yo i have a 12 inch cock!
mario: yo dont be the iraqi minister! lol
by Omar May 7, 2003
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When a male participating in sexual intercourse is about to ejaculate, he motorboats the woman's breasts as he shouts "ALALALAALALLALALA" and ejaculates on her chest; icing her cupcakes.
Man, I got to do an Iraqi cupcake on Steph last night. It. Was. Awesome. She kicked me out but it was worth it.
by TweedleDum34 March 14, 2011
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The act of draping your testicles over your friends eyes while sleeping, usually for a photo op.
While Jimmy was asleep, Mike pulled out his balls and gave him some Iraqi Sandgoggles!
by Wajsaws August 1, 2009
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What the US government was calling the Iraq War before they realized the title was more appropriate than it should have been (Operation Iraqi Liberation – O.I.L.). This is not an urban legend made up by leftists; check the official whitehouse press release:

www.whitehouse.gov/news/rele ases/2003/03/20030324-4.html
(delete space in "releases")
Operation Iraqi Liberation liberated something, but it wasn't Iraqis (it was O.I.L.).
by author August 2, 2006
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Tard Ferguson spending a trillion dollars invading a country with no military and losing.
Operation Iraqi Freedumb failed harder than K Fed’s music career.
by frick11 February 24, 2010
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The dumbest decision of the new millennium. Dumb. Dumb.
Operation Iraqi Freedumb: to dumb to succeed, to dumb to recognize failure.
by author October 22, 2006
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