When you desire to be with or see babies.
My mom was diagnosed with infantism towards my cousins child.
by Dr. John Sorrada July 4, 2020
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Infants are stupid as fuck. theirs dumb asses can’t even read let alone fucking speak. They will cost you a shit load of money. fuck abortion kill those mother fuckers yourself nigga,

when they come out. FUCK BABYS AND INFANTS
infants are stupid as shit
by pussyeater6969420saka January 26, 2020
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A person who has deep feelings for underage children
Zane the infant slayer needs to have a monster and chill
by Hairline analyst November 14, 2022
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When you actually care what your child wears, and make it a conscious note not to dress them in obscenely clashing colors or fashion originating from the 1950's.
Jason personifies fantastic infant dressing today. It is clear that his mother took the time to make him look nice.
by Sakura-san January 15, 2009
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