an indoor sport which is flag rifle saber and dance routines to music on a CD...
WINTER GUARD people are so awesome... and the ones from hawaii are the best...!
by JuS1o April 13, 2005
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A group of people dedicated to representing thier school the best way possible by spinning flags, rifle, sabers and other equipment. This group marches with a marching band and compliments the music they play through the use of color, body movement, and equipment.
Everyone in the COLOR GUARD did a beautiful toss just as the cymbals crashed.
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The USCG is the smallest of the United States' five military branches, but also unique in that it has some law enforcement jurisdiction and is operated by the DOH during peacetime. They perform search & rescue operations, protect ports and harbors, and stop drug smugglers, among other things. Although described by some as Navy washouts, the USCG performs very dangerous duties even during times of peace.
The drug boat was immobilized after a Coast Guard sniper hit the engine with a .50 caliber round.
by kmfr August 30, 2010
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When you say, "It's not a drop, it's a floor catch!"
Girl 1: Hey, I think I wanna do color guard next year.
Girl 2: Fo shizzle mah nigga.
by soulfaithful January 10, 2009
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An elite force of bodyguards used by Roman emperors.
Augustus created the Praetorian Guard in 27 BCE.
by Shawn Farrell May 5, 2004
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girls (or guys) who freeze their butts off on football fields during field shows but still have the hugest smiles on their faces(hey showmanship points r always the easiest!!!) who start to think band or drumline guys r hot because they have no life outside of band/colorguard prac. and are always in step with the person next to you even when youre not in competition or at practice! also people who have the time of their lives tossing flags and hating it when people mistaken them for CHEERLEADERS.
omg my fingers match the purple sequins on my costume!!

(at the mall with a friend whos not in cg)F: y do u keep doing that funny leap skip thing? You: o so im in step!

omg look its a drumline!! r they hot?
by christine December 7, 2003
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That hard nucleus of seagoing professionals around which the Navy forms in times of war.
Good evening, Mrs. Navy Wife. I'm in the Coast Guard & I'll be your date tonight.
by Objee September 17, 2003
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