The gland that Controls saddness mentally and physically.
Robber: hey punk, gimme ur shoes
Robbee: noo, please dnt make me
Rober: i will
RObbee: noo my sad glan
robber: yo chill the sad gland
robbee: alrightizzlecry
by moomily October 17, 2007
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the male equivilant of a womans period, where the male produces fresh strawberry jam from the anus or mouth. This jam is collected every month and is then sold on to tesco for a healthy profit. Such examples of the jam gland are in videos like "1man1jar" which clearly depicts the jam collection process going horribly wrong.
by some lads March 7, 2010
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two glands in neck that causes happiness. if swolen often results in prep-syndrome. if too deflated may cause gerard way syndrome.
whoa man! my happy glands are exploding.
by oldgreg008976 May 15, 2009
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Someone you reli dont like or find annoying

the gland that is found in ur anus
that new boy is such an anal gland
by decz September 20, 2006
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A type of shit.Not really monkey though.
"Which isle is the monkey gland in?"
"Foreign foods dude."
by Thrushbeard March 10, 2005
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Just as mammary glands are female boobs, mannary glary are the male equivalent.
Dude, it's about time you lost your mannary glands, they're becoming bigger than my bird's!
by Snooby Scax September 29, 2006
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