When you take a particularly large #2 and , upon release, it falls forward and hits the tip of your penis inside of the bowl.
I just had to hit the head post-Chipotle, and it was so big that I had a darn foul tip.
by KidBeef August 30, 2017
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when a girl has a hot face combined with a nasty banged up body. Usually signified by either little goofy tits with a bony chest or big sloppy flapjack jugs. Also, junk in the trunk(dumpy fat around the thighs)is a major body foul.
I had to throw a yellow flag when the hot girl in the front row stood up because her huge dumpy ass was a major body foul.
by chonger December 3, 2005
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When something stupid, embarrassing, or simply unacceptable is done at a party. Examples of this include spilling beer, breaking a lamp, throwing up, getting so drunk that you scoot on the floor in just your boxers, choking on a shot, ect.
Hey, can Alex come on Friday?
Naw man, he'll probably party foul again.
by Steven Waterdog the Third March 22, 2010
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A moment during a social gathering when one does something embarrassing and/or stupid.
"Dude, I just spilled my drink all over Sarah's lap!"

"Wow..major party foul."
by Whaaaat?! January 4, 2009
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A Group of kids that give Punk music a bad name. All they do is talk about how shitty our government is and talk shit on electronic music and sub genres especially dubstep.
Mike: Yo dawg this new Excision album is the shit

Christian: Fuck yeah brah wub wub wub wub wub

Kelly: I fucking hate dubstep both of you guys are idiots. That shit is not even music. Fuck the system and hail Satan!

James: I totally agree fuck that stupid shit, it's not even music. Lets go listen to the Ramones and spike each others mohawks.

Mike: Yo these Kids are fuckin "Punk Fouls"

Christian: Yeah either they stop talking shit about our music and insulting us or we beat the shit out of them.
by Ashisthashit September 5, 2011
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The act of shitting in the bathtub and then covering it with newspaper. Then repeating until it resembles something of a lasagna.
I think he was taking shits in the bathtub and covering it with newspapers, like some kind of foul lasagna.
by Elfako July 28, 2008
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