When you flush a turd immediately after splashdown in order to protect the olfactory sensibilities of those in the immediate vicinity. Useful in prison, office bathrooms, at home, and in the hospital.
-Next time you’re gonna stink up the cell, you better prison flush or you’re getting shanked.

-That poor nursing assistant might have died from the smell if I hadn’t prison flushed.
by SickCNA April 8, 2019
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A challenge that a brave adventurer can partake in where the aim is to not flush their toilet for as long as they can withstand the putrid horror that will eventually build up inside the bowl.
Dinith: "Hello Wendy, by Jove, what is that horrible smell coming from your toilet?"
Wendy: "Well Dinith, I have been taking part in the No Flush Challenge for about 6 years now"
by oh yeah! yeah! February 14, 2014
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Is a rush of excitement with massive helpings of love thrown in
It is closely connecting with the connection one has with their soulmate.

It is a warm heating of the heart from the inside out that radiates through the entire body giving a feeling of euphoria
your heart beats faster, you find it difficult to breathe, you start to have an out of body experience, just hold on and enjoy the ride
you see his or her name come up on your phone - love flush
you see them walk in the room - love flush
the slightest touch - love flush
the thought of kissing them- love flush
by finally found them, adelaide September 23, 2013
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A flush in the middle of the toilet-sitting process in order to reduce the aroma...usually performed on a "foreign throne" as a courtesy to the owner of said throne... in other words, to be polite and not stink up the host's crapper too much.
I gave a courtesy flush at the Smith's party because I didn't want to kill the next person to use the bathroom.
by peafarter January 5, 2003
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The refined art of manipulating the Vortex Effect, to your advantage, by slowly putting pressure on the lever,without completing the flush,when excessive amount of excrement are present and in need of disposal.
Boy!,I'm sure tired of this damn toliet overflowing. I've really got to work on my flush managment.
by craig john November 1, 2006
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Flushing a particularaly bad-smelling turd down the toilet in the stall of a public bathroom while you are still crapping so other people will not smell it. This can be repeated as many times as necessary.
Person in right stall: *Poops*

Person in left stall: "Oh God! That's Horrible! How about a
Mercy Flush?"

Person in right stall: *Flushes*

Person in left stall: "Thanks."

Person in right stall: "Welcome" *Continues Pooping*
by VegitarianZombie July 23, 2009
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Usually in a work place or school, Children/Adults get together and go to the bathrooms, and flush the toilets simultaneously
Cop: So How did the Pipes blow up?
Plumber: Some Nuckle head Kids did the Atomic Flush
by Marblealmond56 May 18, 2018
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