people who are better than little wannabes
the ditched eyeballs controlled and ruled everything
by paige babe June 12, 2007
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Glasgow Eyeball: (Verb) To look at someone antagonistically, with malice/rage inciting or leading up to a fist fight.

A look that is a threat of physical violence.

Similar to the stinkeye.
Motherfucker was messin up my shit all night, I gave him the Glasgow eyeball, I was ready to go!
by Kittridge February 25, 2008
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Tears or any other form of liquid that is in the eyeball.
Martin: " Last night was amazing, or have u forgotten, u scruffy little bitch?"

Sarah-Jane: " How could I? You were hooping me so hard my eyeball juice smudged all my mascara. It took me ages to re-do it before i went to bed"

Martin: "fuck you"

Sarah-Jane "nah fuck you"

Martin: "Fuck Fuckin you"
by Jobless scum March 1, 2008
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To glare at someone with anger or disgust...kind of like a "hairy eyeball"
When I told my wife I had the piss shivers, she gave me the fuzzy eyeball.
by Bob V November 22, 2006
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A more polite version of balls out. Indicates extreme effort or determination.
1. The 400m runner came off the final bend in 3rd place and went eyeballs out for the line.

2. Michael Johnson used the phrase on the BBC's Olympic commentary in August 2008. Paraphrasing him:

"Athlete X was going balls, erm, eyeballs out at the end there."

He corrected himself when he remembered he was on primetime UK TV.

Colin Jackson subsequently used the "eyeballs out" phrase later in the week.
by lamanga2004 August 20, 2008
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"This for all my niggas wit baby eyeballs 'round dey necks" Clipse
by 9mm1768 September 5, 2008
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A lovemaking technique in which one tears out an eye, stuffs it up a bitch's pussy, and then fucks the shit out of her so as to use the vitreous humour as a lubricant. This technique is usually performed only twice in a practitioner's lifetime.
"Eh vato, that ho is smokin'! I'm gunna give her a mexican eyeball!"
by kissaki January 10, 2009
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