Any drink used to get a woman drunk enough for sex.
After a few glasses of excuse juice, she'll do just about anything.
by D.M.L January 22, 2008
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The term used when someone purposely makes a rather retarded remark and when later realizes his/her mistake then claims he/she was Trolling
Person 1: 2+2=4
Person 2: no its totali 2+2=5 u stupid
Person 1 large argument over it
Person 2 realizes his mistake
Person 2 utilizes the Troll Excuse manuever
Person 2: i was jus trolling u lol!
by Tenkarinku April 20, 2011
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A term over used by Vickie Guerrero. As said in her whiny high pitched voice on WWE's Raw and Smackdown,
Fans: BOOOOOOO!!!!
by BallnBoy April 7, 2009
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Your mouth where all the fucking excuses come from
Oh my god you didn't do it well enough

God damn shut your excuse hole you blithering idiot
by Goh nakhor October 1, 2018
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Two statements are mutual excusives (and hence, mutually excusive) if they are each given as excuses as to why one can't take part in the other, whilst hiding one's genuine plans.
Sarah: "Sorry Dave, I can't come to the cinema with you later, because I told Louise that we'd have a girls' night in."

Then later,

Sarah: "Sorry Louise, I can't come to girls' night, I promised Dave that I'd go to the cinema with him."

Thus, "going to the cinema with Dave" and "having a girl's night in with Louise" are mutually excusive.
by JTFYM November 29, 2012
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Lying to a girl when breaking up you have cancer and that you don't want to ruin her life at your expense.
"Hey what happened to that girl you were dating?"

"I ended it using the deadpool excuse, so i got off scot free.
by lilengine April 25, 2017
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Dickhead Excuse

When someone acts as if they don't care/where not listening because they are too stupid to grasp what your saying.
Genius:”Something extremely interesting”
Idiot:wasn’t even listening to be honest
Genius: stop trying to use the Dickhead excuse I’m far too intelligent to fall for it
by Agathor0303 June 21, 2023
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