How can you listen to these fuck holes? They are just making things up! Barely any of this shit is true! You should try hanging out with one someday!
by Micahel Bunick May 16, 2004
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a kid who listens to emotion laced music. often times, suicidial, but other timesnot. Boys are usually charachterized by their unkemp jet black hair and tight girls pants and very skinny body. Girls are usually charachterized by, well, the same things. emo kids, however, can look pretty much any way.
girl1- why is that boy so amazingly good looking?
girl2- ebcause hes emo
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i wish every emo kid, prep, goth, jock, "sk8er", psuedo-punk and any other various posers would swallow a wealthy dose of arsenic
by scum fuck May 20, 2004
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an emo kid is a boy/girl who is deeply in touch with their feelings and is not affraid to show them, we often wear dark clothes, tight jeans and small shirts, studded belts and wrist bands. We are not gays or fags just because we are emo, we do whatever the hell we want and dont give a shit, often we will have alot of peircings ad chill in isolated areas, away from the norm (average preppy people) we love emotional music and we are not affraid to cry, we will have long dark hair that often covers atleast one eye we see this world as a beautiful place. We are often obbsesed with love and hearts, because we dislike hate <3
Hey, look at that emo kid sitting by himself, he's probably gonna start crying...
by HappyFacedKiller12 September 16, 2011
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The dirty lovechildren of underground rock kids, the scene and the dying goth movement. In other words, once middle class kids raped the grunge scene, the alternative scene, and when prep was too mainstream, they had to find something else. Luckily enough, lots of bands were crappily re-doing the sixties. From this and the remnants of the goth era, ( and some actually GOOD musical inflences thrown in ), this birthed the degenerate group of whiners we all come and know as emo kids. Now, they were helped a little. High-and-mighty scene kids were their idols and Hot Topic their vehicle to awesome. Sadly, they'll never make it. And noone wants to be scene anyway. Most of those kids are in the ana community on livejournal and snort blow while listening to the YeahYeahYeahs. Anyhow, did I mention that emo kids also rise up and overtake evil establishments like Myspace and the mall, making them more evil. They also slit their wrists on a regular basis, cry to AFI songs and try to be cool by playing oldschool Nintendo. (Even though most of them weren't alive in the 80's.) They also frequent sites on the internet that make fun of them, trying to refute the obvious with bad typing, bad grammar, and overall weak arguments. However, they aren't as full of crap as furries. Noone is below a furry. Except perhaps a lolicon.
Common emo kid quotes:

" I just bought the new My Chemical Romance CD with my mom's credit card. Then I cried all night because she doesn't understand how deeply Gerard Way speaks to the world. "

" Yeah, I hate Bush because he eats and rapes least Hot Topic told me so. "

" God, life just makes me want to die. "
by thepink October 10, 2006
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a bunch of whiny little bitches who try do do everything they can to be different but complain about people hating them for being different at the same time. boys were makeup just to freak ppl out. they always let everyone in the world know that they are sad. and they never do a fucking thing about their problem. oh and if they are self abusive they are usually doing it for attention you can tell becasue they let the scars be scene or even talk about em like its a cool thing to do
sadly the term emo and the music came from punk. namely the dc hardcore scene when it was called emotive hardcore and was realy just punk with whiny lyrics. now it has turned into a big buisness money making scheme. example my chemical romance one of the most famous emo bands. it features a 31 year old lead singer who actually has a song called teenagers about being a teenager. this is just a way to make money by relating to people in reality he cant relate too. yet emo kids are too stupid to notice

the cool emo kids are scene kids they know which music is fake and which isnt and they dont bitch complain and do those stereotypical pictures of themselves at an above angle looking down or creepily at the camera and posting it on myspace. they are often scene at punk shows hardcore shows emo shows and even ska shows.
emo kid "everyone makes fun of me cuz i wear makeup and dress different im gonna go cut"
anyone with half a brain: "stop looking for attention u dumb motherfucker if u dont want people to make fun of you for looking different dont look different dumbass eitehr you dress how u want and know people are going to hate u and stfu or u dress like wiggers or preps
by sp1ke May 28, 2008
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Someone who is better off than 99.9% of the world's population, yet is still conviced that his life sucks.
emo kid: Life sucks. There is nothing but pain. Etc...

Kid with real problems: I know. My Dad just lost his job, and now we have two weeks before we get deported back to (insert name of third world dictatorship here). I was really hoping we'd never have to go back there, since crime and warlords pretty much run the place and my whole family has bullet and knife wounds from all the times we were robbed when we lived there, not to mention the fact that there was almost never any food. Plus now when we get back we won't have any money or a house...

emo kid: leave me alone, I'm busy cutting myself
by d3d March 15, 2006
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