Why don't you go buy some fish put into your pretty eyes and go fuck yourself narcissist self absorbed prick.
I don't give a fuck who you are go pick on someone else fuckers
by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd October 16, 2019
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When saying "I don't give a fuck", you have to say it with your whole chest.
*I don't give a fuck that I smoke too many cigarettes
*I don't give a fuck how many treats I eat in a day
*I don't give a fuck what the background information is
*I don't give a fuck if you want Observations in the report
I don't give a fuck what you said in the meeting, I'm not writing more than 4 sentences in my asbestos report!
by Hawkeye6262 September 14, 2023
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A more defiant way of saying fuck off, typically used for emphasis or to sound like the smartass you're saying it to.
Smartass: Well uh, I know that that actually isn't true because—
Pissed Guy: Why don't you fuck right off!?
by Some Sarcastic Guy March 26, 2017
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Commonly used to say 1. not caring or :) 2. not giving the gender on a form because another word for fuck is sex and sex is gender.
ex 1.

Idiot 1:"You forgot to put your sex on the form?"

Idiot 2:"I don't give a fuck." or "I don't give a sex."

Idiot 1:"0.o." "WAAAA?"

ex 2.

Idiot 2:"You forgot the pizza!"

Idiot 1:"I don't give a fuck!"
by Kelly Jacksow June 17, 2013
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Used to put more emphasis that you don't care.
Dan: you know mom will be mad if we're late for dinner but I don't give a fuck
Tom: Well, I don't give two fucks, she makes crappy meatloaf anyway
by J'adore UD May 20, 2010
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