a girl much worth having coitus with, originating from the phrase "do me", became "do-me", and finally "dome" pronounced "doh-muh"
"Dude, that girl is such a do-me!"
"Dude, the new word is dome! She'll fucking hear you!"
by General Definition March 3, 2005
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your dome is big.
by Hazel lee October 14, 2003
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The extremely large head on Wes trwobridge's body, that holds many events.
Wes, you have a huge dome dude.
by NATE R. December 20, 2002
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Word used to refer to the head, esp. when said cranial appendage has been assaulted in some manner
*person 1 slaps person 2 upside the head*
Person 1: "To your dome!"
by Ford Prefect Wannabe March 6, 2003
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abreviation of the venue "The Boston Dome"; abreviated because all attendants are sex starved underage retards too busy having sex in the toilets/stealing drinks/pilling/etc...to manage 3 words
i feel like f**king an underager! take me to the dome
by bbbbbb October 11, 2004
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1. The top of ones head
2. short hand for a mens service club
dude, did you hear all the good stuff dome is doing for the community
by dome team member September 21, 2005
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The state of feeling the "high" that is achieved when large amounts of nicotine are ingested, usually by use of products other than cigarettes.
Yo, can I get a few juul rips next break? I'm tryna get domed before 5th period.
by AlexanderFortunato September 14, 2017
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