When Lockdown 3.0 is announced 2 days before Valentines Day.
Person 1: "Dan Andrews didn't want to take HIS wife out on Valentines Day, so he called Lockdown 3.0 for the whole state as a backstory"
Person 2: "What a douchéburg, my missus is going to be totally pissed. Guess we ALL going to be Coronely this year mate"
by EggBear84 February 14, 2021
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an operation, done alive or dead, where one removes the top half of the skull and removes the brain.
yourmom - "yo dude. did you hear what happened to Zakp?"
yourdad - "no."
yourmom - "someone did A reverse coronation"
by GrimCorn February 14, 2021
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As you are wheeled through the morgue, passing the doctor who is filling out "Covid-19" as your cause of death.
Having believed that the coronavirus was 'under control", that it would "disappear like magic", that wearing masks was for liberal wimps and that we were "rounding the corner", you were in fact only rounding the coroner. Under 'pre-existing condition' he filled in "believing a president who cared about no one but himself and nothing but his self-aggrandizement".
by Monkey's Dad November 15, 2020
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