The 2/7 compromise was established in 1818, to allow residents of the state known as Illinois to be considered partial people. The compromise was created after much arguing in meeting with Illinois and Wisconsin residents. (although most of the arguing was between the FIBs). After 14 days of nonstop meetings, the 2/7 compromise was created. Although many Wisconsin residents disagreed with allowing them privileges, the majority of them agreed that they need a couple rights.

The 2/7 compromise includes the following rights to FIBs:
* The right to drive on Wisconsin freeways, but must pay speeding tickets regularly.

* The right to vote in Illinois State elections.
* The right to Kenosha.
* The right to visit Mars Cheese Castle.

Although these rights were established to allow Illinois residents to be considered partial people, it does not cover FIBs from Itasca. Unfortunately they were unable to show at the meeting and thus were not allowed to take part in the compromise.
-Why is that FIB driving on I94
-They won that in the 2/7 Compromise
- Oh yeah that's right.
by Power Play January 25, 2011
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When you kiss a girl who is chewing a type of tobacco much stronger than your own. Such as Skoal vs. Kodiak
Andrew: Yeah dude, I was makin' out with Carly last night and she gave me the Missouri compromise.
Chris: Bummer, what was she dippin?
Andrew: She was chewing a cope, grizzly mix.
Chris: I'm sorry bro, that's a bummer.
by CAGP June 21, 2010
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The optimal female to orgy ratio. An orgy containing three females and two males. This creates an orgy that is not only completely heterosexual, but also keeps the number of females and males close enough so everybody enjoys it.
Craig: Yo are you settin' up an orgy soon?

Nick: Yeah you know it.

Craig: How many girls you bringin'?

Nick: I'm settling for the three fifths compromise. Enough to keep it straight, but close enough to keep it fun.

Craig: Fuck yeah!
by Muammad October 17, 2013
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Life is full of compromises is a phrase adults like to say to explain why their life sucks. Take my advice, don't compromise.
by DeineMutter April 20, 2006
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When you want to fist him/her but settle for three fingers
dude1: I heard that ho is gigantic.
dude2: yeah but i had to settle for the three fifths compromise
by anon182 August 27, 2012
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