when a compact disk your taste is offended by, or due to the fact that they are becoming outmoded, is relegated to coffee table stain prevention status aka ctsps.
I found a cd that was so hideous i had to buy it just so I could shame it by forcing it into a slave life of coaster demotion and hold drinks until it breaks.
by provider44 January 18, 2010
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Every man's worst nightmare besides terrorism or rape.
Even though they're one of the safest things on Earth, they put death defying stress on you, they raise your heart rate up and give you a sense of life threatening grave danger.
They're the closest thing you can safely get to experiencing what the passengers on the 9/11 planes felt.
If you can handle them, you'll never be afraid of anything again.
Greg: The Velocicoaster at Universal is one of the scariest roller coasters.
Constance: I thought Mako at SeaWorld was scary.
Greg: Well you haven't experienced anything like Velocicoaster.
Constance: Why would I.
Greg: It's the last thing in Florida I want to go on.
by GregNelson29 March 23, 2023
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Troller Coaster is a play on the word troll.
If you are on a chat site being a troll to over 3 people in a row, then you are being a troller coaster, or causing one.
Dude, I was on Omegle.com and I was causing a huge troller coaster xD
by ThehPivoteer July 23, 2009
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Any contiguous amount of human excrement (generally in a coherent cable form) that may be partially submerged but surfaces on opposite sides of the bowl, touching dry porcelain on each end.
"Man, check out this coast-to-coaster of mine from last summer!" *holds up polaroid*
by Zor Prime December 1, 2003
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Tattoo on the small of a woman's back, usually roundish with rays or flames and two colors (green and/or red will be invovled most often), located precisely where a guy should set his beer while nailing her doggie style. Most prevalent with porn stars, wannabe porn stars, biker chicks, drrrty grrrls, and suburban fluff chicks who want everybody to think they're hard.
Gents - Are you horny? Then hit the club and scout for chicks with the Bar Slut Hat Trick - crop top, low-rider pants or skirt, and beer coaster tatt on display. (Tight jeans with high heels also a good indicator.)
by The Evil Steve September 6, 2005
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