A country that is so old and complex that the average American could not write an accurate definition for it if they tried (and we do)
Maybe I'll write a definition for China...wait, i have no clue what really goes down in China.
by D.E. Fresh October 6, 2005
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the nation with no problems whatsoever, no population decline damaging it's industrial ability, no water crisis, no lack of political cohesion, no housing crisis, no nothing! there isn't even an excess population of males! there isn't even horrible building quality! look, they even have the money capacity to do desalination by having an incredibly low gdp per capita!
guy 1: hey guy 2, lets write a blog about china and how great it is!
guy 2: but it sucks, you should watch polymatter's china's reckoning
guy 1: but we need to justify communist ideologies!!!!
by faxlord May 27, 2021
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The land of 1,000 KFCs.
KFC is so popular in China, that even McDonald's sells Kentucky Fried Chicken.
by Ookpick GooseFrubba August 17, 2005
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1. Arch nemesis of Japan

2. The country that makes everything (soon they’ll be making our fucking air)
3. Very Asian people
4. Xi Jinping’s disciples
Guy from China: Let’s go to Japan
China President: You are going to prison for a long time buddy you said a forbidden word
Guy from China: * demands a fight*
*sumo wrestling fight begins ( I know it from Japan, I’m lazy)
by u wish u were me :) October 23, 2023
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the country who had:
the highest population in the world
the best tanks in the world
the highest piracy activities in the world
the highest potential to become the next world superpower that more than rivals USA.
the nuclear power sufficient to stand-off against Russia and USA in a nuclear war.
China rules in Command and Conquer:Generals!They ended up becoming the heroes instead of the oh-I-am-so-damned-high-tech USA.
by watever4545 January 8, 2005
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The very ghetto south african way usually used by colored people of saying "bro" or "friend".
Guy 1: Hey my China!

Guy 2: Wassup my bru?!
by Kira Lamp ✨ March 18, 2020
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Three points:
1. China is NOT a fucked up country. You think they look down on people of other countries? Hark who's talking.

2. If you want to know an unbiased account of what the country China is, go to Wikipedia. If you only want to bash China, go add a definition.

3. If you want to know slang definitions of the word "china", you can either a) go to china and ignore the definitions that flame China and its people. b) I have heard it used as a substance nice plates and cups are made out of.
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