Usually a girl. A person with a BuzzFeed Mentality is someone who watches a lot of BuzzFeed or acts and thinks like someone who likes BuzzFeed and similar media.
This type of person usually believes in astrology and stuff like healing crystals, they strive to be woke.
Your girlfriend has such a Buzzfeed Mentality.
It's so cringe when people say that their mom is a gamer because they play CandyCrush, that's so BuzzFeed Mentality.
by iamsowokeomg January 23, 2020
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A website that is basically the BEST and features such amazing content as 7 celebrity tweets that you missed. They sometimes feature lists.
Boss: Why are you on Buzzfeed when your project is late & it looks like you haven't showered?
A_Brony: Because its the BEST.
by A_Brony October 2, 2013
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N. A site run by and for the specialist of snowflakes and known for frequently using the victim card. "You are opressing me you cis white male scum."
by JillStein December 8, 2016
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A place on the internet where white people slurp down white guilt like a banana milkshake.
If you're white and work at buzzfeed, prepare to star in some cringey videos where you make sweeping statements like "white people ruin everything".
In the world of buzzfeed, only racial minorities matter.
by GeographicFood February 8, 2016
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A website where tabloid news is the only news. Also, subscribing to any of their many YouTube channels will cause your sub box to be spammed with even more garbage content.
Person #1: Hey have you seen the new video Buzzfeed uploaded on their channel?

Person #2: Which video? There's been 200 in the last 5 minutes...
by urmommashairyhead December 16, 2016
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Take some honey and rub it on to your partner's asshole and get some bees in there for some danger while eating their ass.
I buzzfeed this girl even though I'm allergic to bees.
by Rickelick ShlongDick November 22, 2017
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