An stupid dumbass who picks on a person because they are inferior to them in size, strength, popularity, etc. They pick on you 'till you go home and find your parents gun and shoot said bully square in the head and watching them die and you'd be the one going to jail, but at least you know you help God can't out the trash!
Bully: you a big pussy, PUSSY, PUSSY......
Kid: pulls out glock, shoots bully repeatingly
by Mr. Master K December 23, 2006
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Bullis are the absolute worst kind of people on the planet, to the point where calling them heartless child molesters is rude to heartless child molesters. A common misconception is that your typical household bulli will most frequently target Sayori, but this is not true. The most common type of bulli is one who does it to Monika, but they don't realize that this makes them a bulli. Every Doki deserves love, respect, comfort, and affection.
The Holocaust would have been fine of there were Bullis instead of Jewish people.
by Confetti-Throwing Puppet March 17, 2018
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Something done by hollow people because they have no respect whatsoever and no life so they try insulting or doing something to you to fill that void in their heart that nothing will fill but being nice.

Example of bullying: hitting you, saying mean things to you

P.S.:if happens don’t let the bully take control over you
by Unknown12646 January 3, 2021
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Bully, the video game
Very funny, and made by rockstar.
Shit man! this new game bully is freakin awsome!
by gunzonline123 November 18, 2006
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Bullying (n): Constantly putting someone on a hook first in Dead By Daylight
by Fabriccccc March 4, 2017
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