Buffet Basher- A person who doesn't wait to be seated at a table-they just grab a plate and go.
Joe's plate was filled before we were even seated-what a Buffet Basher.
by Kim Gregory September 7, 2007
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A system of tactics that allow you to take full advantage of any 'all you can eat' buffet. As described by Howard, in channel 4 sitcom Fresh Meat. The plan is as follows:
1. Positioning: close to the buffet. Minimising plate travel and ensuring prime position for refills.

2. The first round: just one of each item. This is the introductory taster plate; we don't want to waste stomach space on non-tasty items.

3. Round 2: maximise high value items eg. prawns, over low value bulk foods such as rice or noodle. Remember the aim is not to have a satisfying meal out, the aim is to beat the buffet.

4. When you feel like you can't eat anymore: bring out the transporter. *Proceeds to tip a large plate of noodle into a rucksack lined with a plastic bag.
by thegrandmaster98 December 11, 2011
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a form of pants like clothing in which the waist band is made of elastic for easy expansion of the abdomen.
hey ross lets put our buffet pants on and go the the chinese restaurant.
by jay duncan August 23, 2005
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A woman who is anatomically well endowed in her breast region-- through either natural or artificial means.
Damn! You see that girl Jazmine over there. Her rack be poppin' outa that shirt! She a baby buffet no doubt!
by Christineandemilie September 30, 2011
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This occurs when there are a large amount of gay guys in one particular area.
"Have you ever been in a Hollister store? That place is a total butt buffet"
by it's lindsey bitch. February 12, 2009
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A point in time at which all parts of life and all possible choices/options seem like total shit. As if you were standing in front of a buffet where every dish was a different style of shit.
Fried shit, sauteed shit, shit flambee, shit au gratin, shit con carne, shit with hoisin sauce.
I'm late for work because my car won't start, i can't call because my phone is in the house, i locked myself OUT of the house, and nobody is home. Great, now its raining. What a shit buffet.
by Hoot Hollway November 25, 2008
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When one is having sex with two women at the same time and you alternate between one girl's vagina and the other girl's anus.
by Crustache January 24, 2009
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