A hot chick with one hot, sweaty ass.
Her onion broth was darkening the crack of her Lululemons at the gym.

Her onion broth still lingers on my nose.
by Dick Onchin February 8, 2022
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From the 1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. Also called 'Cat Lap' or 'Chatter Broth,' it refers simply to tea, one of the greatest beverages ever. Named for the amount of conversation and gossip often shared while having tea during the Georgian/Regency & Victorian eras. At the time, it was intended to refer to gossip shared by women in particular (but let's be honest. It definitely wasn't just women sipping tea & spilling secrets behind closed parlor doors).

1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue, by Francis Grose
Additional information from InfoPlease and the Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894
"(dramatic gasp) No he did not! Hold everything, I'll put the kettle on and make us some scandal broth!"
by literaryvictorianpirate January 11, 2023
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Toronto slang for three children in a trench coat trying to sneak into a bar.
"Woah! Check her out! She's cute!"

"Naw, man! That's a Steph Broth situation."

"A what?"

"Three kids wearing a trench coat and a straw hat to score drinks."
by Northern_Cody January 15, 2019
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When someone has very little but far to much to drink and is such a mess they have to bath but continue to vomit carrots whilst in hot water hence, turning themselves into the protein ingredient in a carrot based stock or broth.
Lucy's pissed and trying to clean herself in the bath after her incident. With all that water and carrots it looks like a Lucy Broth.
by Another pseudonymal October 6, 2021
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The sweat that forms between a pair of Turkey Tits.
"Don't you love licking up that turkey broth?"

"I love the feeling of Turkey broth on my junk while titty fucking"
by Steve123123123 October 5, 2006
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a person whose face is distinct. the person is sometimes just known for stewin' around. minding his/her own business. a person who spreads their beef on others.

also can be called as brothy.
wow, she's so brothy.

what a beef broth.
by charlottegoodpants December 10, 2010
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