When you rub your sweaty balls on tissue paper and tie it around a friend's car's door handle.
My friends hacked my facebook so I gave them each an Australian bowtie.
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when someone is sleeping, you shit on their neck. When they wake up, they look down and left and right, resulting in a bowtie.
That girl was so drunk last night, I gave her a beckley bowtie and she wore it around for hours.
by coop/price September 16, 2007
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To slice someone's throat from ear to ear
"Yo' Holmes, let's go get some Taco Bell and the give eachother Mexican Bowties for desert"

"Yo' essay, that be fucked up"
by Dr. Todd Fuquad February 4, 2006
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A hicky left on a man's neck from a woman's vagina.
I wanted to look nice for the porn awards so i got a Cinncinati Bowtie.
by mr.Ross March 25, 2008
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After titty fucking a girl you leave a trail of shit across her neck.
I gave your sister a clevland bowtie last night
by Gibson Holmes October 17, 2006
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after fucking partner and blowing load in a condom. You remove said condom and proceed to tie cum filled condom around persons neck in the form of a bowtie. Depending how big you are it could also be a neck tie
Finished off this chick and she wanted to go out to eat. To make her look her best I gave her the cincinati bowtie
by Thebull01 August 26, 2006
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The act of slitting your partner's throat, throwing a stiff dick into her esophagus, only to leave the balls exposed on her lower neck, giving her the appearance of a bowtie.
Hey, do you Belgian Bowtie on the first date?
by John Sasse Junior September 7, 2010
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