An underrated character in the MCU that none of the directors, writers or executives are showing affection towards and is finally getting a show.
friend: “have you watched infinity war?”
me:”yeah bucky barnes is sick in it”
friend:”who’s that?”
by _heatopia420blazeitdawg July 16, 2019
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A grown-ass man who frequently hangs out with other “Barn Babies”, usually in a garage or pole barn, while wearing a baby mask. A “Barn Baby” must consume excessive amounts of Peppermint Schnapps and White Claws in order to survive. Common activities include shitting on things, lighting things on fire, riding off-road vehicles, and office popping.
I had a real Barn Baby night last Saturday. One of the Barn Babies got third degree burns from kicking a cup full of flaming gasoline!
by Lil’ Adolf March 7, 2019
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Any person, typically of rural decent, who misbehaves according to social norms. E.g. shouting, fighting, or loudly arguing in public, especially to the point of making nearby spectators uncomfortable. In other words, anyone who shamelessly behaves as if they were raised in a barn.
This was an amazingly beautiful wedding reception, until those god damned barn kids showed up and started throwing Klondike bars at oncoming traffic.
by Realitea November 19, 2014
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Fellatio performed in a large shed.
That skank just gave that dude a barn buergler out back!
by Pedro33 September 13, 2007
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extremely large ass, one with perfectly round proportions. FIRM, TIGHT, JIGGLY...basically one beautiful ass.
by K-B-K sandwich July 12, 2008
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(n.) A very exciting or dramatic event, especially a sports contest.
Blake- Good thing the Arizona Cardinals broke the tie last night.
Erin- Yeah, it was a real barn burner!
by taco_55 January 7, 2019
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Well known for scoring equalisers and caused quite possibly the best bit of commentary in the history of football. “Now Harvey Barnes. Ohhhh it’s an equaliser, Harvey Barnes. Get in.”
by Harvey Barnesinho December 29, 2021
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