What some people call “manscaping,” with c & b standing for “cock and ballsack.”
Milo: My bro Ray told me he went to that specialty barber shop down on Hipster Alley to get him some c& b grooming.
Me: What hothead fuck is c & b grooming, bro.
Milo: Well first they shampoo the hole area around your dick and balls, then they dry you off and take a beard trimmer to your wild and woolies till there ain’t much left. After that, they use a disposable safety razor to shave your cock balls clean, along wit the inner thighs and the taint. And you’re done.
Me: So was he happy with it.
Milo: Yup, real happy. He even showed me and let me feel how close the shave.
Me: Yeah, with that big dick, he was always a show-off. Think he’d show me too, though?
by Xaime June 1, 2019
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That's all you have? Well, I'm out of money and B's can't be C's, so I'll take it.
by SunzRa July 18, 2005
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The Pythagorean Theorem

The only thing you will remember after high school.
"what did you learn in highs chool"

*me* "um... uh... A^2+B^2=C^2"
by honudave04 November 2, 2021
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Johnny definetely has C B S, he has cock blocked me 42 times in the past 4 months.
by Fredrique June 27, 2006
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The process of when a man undergoes extreme pain upon his cock and balls; usually includes squeezing, jerking uncomfortably fast, and punching
C&B torture made it so that he can't have kids.
by faalam February 1, 2022
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College Bull Shit -or- Canadian broadcast system
teacher is just feeding you some C B S.
canadians run XXX movies all nite on C B S.
check C B S (crack dude) Columbian Brown Salesman..
Girl has C B S ! (Crab Butt Shit) man don't do it.
Navy guy is C B S ! ( Crazy Bastard Seaman )
by itichie_nocanpo July 2, 2006
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