1. The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization for asian cultures.
2. A people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation within asian cultures.
3. Existence as a politically autonomous entity; national independence specifically dealing with asian cultures.
What asianality are you?
by xrothgarx January 26, 2006
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A race of people originally hailing from Asia. Many stereotypes are associated with Asian-Americans, mainly dealing with high intelligence, educational prowess, pushy parents, small dicks, hot women, and World of Warcraft. As a non-Asian whose friends are 90% Asians, I can verify that most of these stereotypes are, in fact, true.
White Guy: Did you hear that William got 105 on that algebra test?
Other White Guy: Well, duh, he's Asian.

White Guy: Dude, Angela is so hot!
Other White Guy: Well, duh, she's Asian.

Asian Guy: We pwn at WOW.
Other Asian Guy: Well, duh, we're Asian.
by Stupid Corn October 17, 2007
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A person born in Asia. Usually has slanted eyes but not all the time. They are sometimes known as "yellow". They do get good grades though, because their parents will kill them if they get a B(in 50% of cases, because asian parents want their kids to get a good future). For them; A=acceptable, B= banned, C= chopstick spanking, D=Dumpling Death, and F=**** . They are typically good kids who work hard and get a good job. Many stereotypes about them are somewhat true but do not apply to all of them.
Mrs. Hyun Jung oon: ''What did you get on your test?''
Hyun Jung oon: "uhh, a D"
Mrs. Hyun Jung oon: "Son, do you want to DIE''
by yah bruh January 27, 2015
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Asian's have a beautiful culture. And the most brilliant, respectful, and inspiring religion comes from the Asian country Tibet which, incase you were wondering, is Buddhism. I would have to say that Asian people know what's going on.
Our inability to stand someone results from our lack of cultivation.

Having a wider heart and mind is more important than having a larger house.

Happiness does not come from having much, but from being attached to little.
-Venerable Cheng Yen
by B-dog May 4, 2005
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Asian refers to a person from Asia.

Based on recent surveys the vast majority are total badasses.
John: Hey look that person over there is an asain.
Jim: I like asians.
by FalseFire February 22, 2011
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the grade of an asian a is more than 100% a b is 95% and a c is 90% also a 85% is a d
(asian) man i got 90% on my math quiz
(white well versed with asians) dude thats an asian c u need help to get an asian a
by lilfish November 20, 2007
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Is Filipino. Thinks he's so fly, and can do what ever he wants. Makes jokes ALL the time cause he thinks he's funny, all he does is play basketball, is obsessed with pokemon, loves to create awkward situations and says that sprinters are better than runners. Strengths: the best COD player ever, fast as lightening, great actor, never has the fear of being rejected and his outgoing personality creates the best adventures ever. Best Moments: meeting miss universe and hanging with the bro's. Weaknesses: Always wants to outdo the athlete, competing with his own bro, bad at karate/ kick boxing and is short... were waiting on that. Fails: doesn't do any chores, never wants to break a 20, can't rap, and thinks Brett Farve will never retire. Appearance: Short, has a bowl cut, and Asian of course!
Brad: Have you finished breeding Pikachu with Eevee?
Peter: No, shut up I'm busy dueling with Lickilicky.

Anonymous: the asian really thinks hes funny, well I'll show him!
by the athlete June 17, 2010
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