A 21-23 yr old male individual who latches on to a slightly older female when in a social atmosphere. (not to be confused with a kitten which is a female of the same age)
Girl to boy: Hey Puppy can you get me a drink?

Boy to girl: Sure I'll be right back.
Friend of girl: Who's the guy with you?

Girl: oh that just my puppy.
by eblossom July 1, 2011
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A EMT in his or her first year of service.
by roy boy March 21, 2006
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Used to describe any young male who is cute, has soft "pet-able" hair, pretty blue eyes and has defining youthful features, ex. braces.
His girlfriend said, " You're such a puppy, Andrew!" as she ran a hand threw his hair.
by whathappens January 2, 2011
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an object you have affection for, like a car or a even a computer.
Let's get this puppy to run properly.
by Mickey E July 21, 2005
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A person who follows or chases other people's trends.
He is such a puppy, always chasing trends and coping other youtubers videos.
by TheWilde November 16, 2019
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1. Dogs with in the first year.
2. The exact size of brests that you would be mosy comforable planting your face between.
Tyler loves puppys, although he will never get near hers.
by Jimboozie October 15, 2003
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A nickname for cute boys around your age. Don't be fooled by their cuteness, for they are hoe ass thotties who just want some pussy.
Tata: If Puppy ignores me one more time I swear to god I'm gonna snap...

Bunny: Don't worry about him. He's a hoe.
by hanji.is.my.queen April 19, 2019
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