with the high appreciation for something being described as "pretty wizard" an apparent lack of negative expression for it is taken to a large extent

with Gandalf being "pretty wizard" if something happens that is so terrible, it can be seen as something Gandalf would never do or approve of
"she left him at the alter for the best man who was his brother" "Dude, that is so not Gandalf.."
by Sidl3y August 16, 2011
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Spot just outside the Watertower in Arlington, MA. Gandalf's Cave is marked by bio-hazard graffiti and the name GANDALF"S CAVE spray painted on the large rock. The spot is commonly used by thrill seekers looking get "sauced". If you are looking for Gandalf's Cave, you can look for the burned area and the trees that have been literally kicked down. They say if you get drunk enough you can see Gandalf himself wandering the area.
Dave: "Joe is absolutely hammered"

Paul: "I know, Gandalf's Cave is the best "

by mattcrowley1234 July 29, 2010
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To come back to life after thought dead.
1.OMG he just died!
2. Ohh he will probably pull a Gandalf
by Bailey-0- March 18, 2006
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In an academic setting, a misunderstanding or mistake so critical that it will cause you to fail a test. Something so bad that if you told someone about it, they would say, "dude, you are so screwed for that final. YOU SHALL NOT PASS."
Actually no, our exam isn't next week, it starts in 15 minutes... you've got yourself a Gandalf Problem right there.
by betterbeAWESOME December 5, 2011
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Whenever a girl and a guy are fooling around and things get very hot but all of the sudden she stops foreplay and does not allow penetration. Obviously the guy stops after her "Thou shall not pass!"
"Man I am really in need of having sex with her"

"Did you not have sex with her yesterday?"

"No, she Pulled-a-Gandalf"
by Atjetechnokatje May 28, 2009
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Slang for an older bearded homosexual.
Bro #1: Who did you take for Chemistry this semester?

Bro #2: That old gay bastard, Gandalf the gay.
by Bulldog December 20, 2011
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To say something in a over dramatic tone.

Originated from the Movie "Lord of the rings" the scene when Gandalf says "You shall not pass!"
"oh man if you touch that my mom will Go Gandalf"
by Nuclear_daffodil May 29, 2015
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