Basically the Logan Paul’s of Japan :)
Tyler: Damn, you know Kyle? He’s such a weeaboo.
Jack: Yeah, bet he’d be like Logan Paul if he ever went to Japan
by Saewon Choi August 2, 2018
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Weeaboo is a term used to describe individuals who prefers Japanese culture, specifically Japanese animated cartoons and claim that they themselves are Japanese people even though they aren't. The tendency of such individuals would be to impose as a known Japanese character, attempt to speak Japanese or famous lines in an animated series, and a powerful obsession over anime. This however is not to be confused with Japanophile.

People who are branded by this title are mostly hated and detested by other individuals because majority of "Weeaboos" tend to be overly dramatic with their love and influence of Japanese animated Cartoons. This doesn't mean that anime is a negative impact to their being rather majority of Weeaboos may lack a sense of their reality. It may be considered as a kind of escapist but it was only given a name by 4chan users to which the term is derived from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic.

Its a popular term specifically used by western people to discriminate individuals, turning it into a tool of conformity or perhaps a norm that paves way to an aggressive act of bullying and racism. It has received negative definitions by a huge number of social entities, specifically in the American cultural society of today.
This girl is obsessed with Japanese animated cartoons that she even became one herself, she's a weeaboo.
by World 3 August 9, 2015
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Someone who gets a huge (and some might say extreme) interest in Japan because of anime, not to be confused with a Japanophile, who is someone interested in Japan as a whole, unlike Weeaboos Japanophiles have a real serious interest in Japan, and make more than a half-hearted attempt at learning Japanese, Weeaboos may try to learn Japanese, but usually end up making huge mistakes and sounding like complete idiots
I am Japanophile, my interest in Japan extends to various parts of Japan and her culture, unlike a Weeaboo, I am not purely interested in Japan because of Anime, in fact I have never seen any animes
by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall February 5, 2014
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A weeaboo is a person who is obsessed with Japanese culture. This person watches anime & read mangas, & also may constantly play japanese video games. They often may have a waifu or husbando. There's more than one type of weeaboo. These are Thee extremeist weeaboos, extreme weeaboos, and the beginning weeaboos. Thee extremeist weeaboo will try to learn Japanese by watching anime and most likely pronounce it wrong. They constantly watch and read nothing but anime & mangas. They memorize millioms of quotes from animes. They are prone to cosplay excessively. They go to thousands of conventions, as many as they posibly can. Thee extremeist weeaboos are very prone to abandoning their own culture thus turning into wapanese. Next is extreme weeaboos. Extreme weeaboos may yarn to know or already know how to speak some or are fluent in Japanese. They watch anime & read mangas regularly. Extreme weeaboos memorize hundreds of quotes from animes. They go to conventions & Cosplay when they are able. They love learning about Japanese culture but will accept their culture. Now there are beginning weeaboos who don't know any Japanese. They cosplay sometimes, but may not go to many conventions because they either are not allowed or they don't have time. Beginner weeaboos only mamorize a few quotes from animes they love, & don't constantly but do occasionally watch anime or read mangas. Regular weeaboos are the sanist of the weeaboos.
P1-"I love 'Akame Ga Kill' it's the best anime EVER!"

P2-"Wow! Calm down, you're such a Weeaboo. All you ever do is talk about animes and those weird Japanese comics."

P1-"Mangas, they are called mangas."

by @Fire_Emblem_Gam March 16, 2016
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Somebody obsessed with Japanese culture. Usually takes the form of an anime or manga addiction. The majority of weeaboos (shortened form: weebs) are American teenagers with little to no social life.

Most anime fans are quick to say they're not a weeb when talking about anime to a broader audience than their fellow fans. The fact that these supposedly normal fans need to justify the "fact" that they're "normal" ends up making them look like the very group they're trying to distance themselves from. If you have to verbally insist that you're normal, you're probably not. "Normality" should be self-evident.

However, even anime fans who feverishly insist they're "not obsessed" have some hope. The very sad fact is that many anime fans go so far as to adopt weeaboo as a descriptive term for themselves, either not knowing or caring that it's an insult. Those people have no hope whatsoever.

One more thing: most weeaboos jerk off to hentai. They're that pathetic. "Normal" anime fans on Urban Dictionary write definitions for "anime" that repetitively insist, "it's not porn!1!" to little effect — nobody just assumes anime is purely porn. But people often do point out that there's an established genre of pornography based off of cartoons that gather an obsessive fanbase! That makes you, dear weeaboo, look weird. No matter how loudly you scream (in broken Japanese) that hentai and anime are completely different.
Weeaboos are fucking obsessed with anime.
by Brodo_Swaggins October 23, 2016
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A faggot male with a female anime character as their avatar, that overpopulates game servers and internet forums.

Qualities of a Weeaboo:
Lacks basic knowledge and survival skills because they have replaced that part of their brain with memorizing Japanese phrases from their favorite anime.
Smells very fucking bad because of lack of hygiene.
Overweight because they are disgusting animals who cannot control their eating habits.
Buys worthless objects to fuel their own worthlessness.
When they play games, they do not play the game for the purpose of playing the game, but rather as a social experience.
Attempts to attain moderator privilege in forums, streaming chats, and game servers for the purpose of banning people they do not like socially. They are known for destroying small communities, and need to be killed off in order for a community to thrive.
Has one of these sexual deviations: homosexual, furry, bdsm.

If you have 5 or 6 of these qualities you are a Weeaboo.

If you have 4 or 3 of these qualities you are a Liberal.
If you have 2 or 1 of these qualities you are still a piece of shit.
by TheAutisticHumanBeing January 25, 2019
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An extreme anime fan that would go too far as to "white-knight" their favorite anime *ahem*ofalltime*ahem*, so-called two-dimensional animated thirteen year-old wives, and being complete faggots throughout their high school days until they realize how many times they've been killing their souls.
I'm afraid of my classmates become weeaboos. They always do that shitty "Narutorun" on odd days, and can't stop talking about that blue-haired maid in Re:Zero. God help us all.
by Haileychi October 14, 2016
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