when you are stuck in traffic and the cars in front of and behind you are purple
God this highway sucks. This is the worst traffic grape jam ever. I want a sandwich.
by trigger mikes March 30, 2010
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When you engage in sex trafficking and decide to spread Hartley's Jam on your victim
"Hey Bill how's the kid?"
"He's fine Gary, I just got into a traffic jam".
by GaryMcDingle November 20, 2019
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When you get up in the morning and go to take a shit, but your boner keeps you from putting it in the toilet to not get pee everywhere.
"My day was off to a horrible star when I had a Morning Traffic Jam."
by ShadowKiller147 January 1, 2019
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When two men simultaneously penetrate each other during anal sex.
P1:"Man... that California traffic jam had me stuck in that one spot for hours."
P2:"I know I got stuck in one this morning, and it was great."
P1:"What???... both tunnels were full... in both directions."
P2:"I know... It almost made me late for work this morning."
P1:"What are you talking about? You live right across the street, you walk to work."
P2:"Wait... you're talking about a real traffic jam... never mind."
by D'Indah MaDeeque December 23, 2016
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When a girl takes a shit and you proceed to fuck the girl with the shit on your dick.
That girl was freaky, she let me do a Wyoming traffic jam and now my dick burns.
by Whahzhxus November 19, 2017
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