A southern delacasy. First you take a girl out to a Braves game. Whilst watching the game, continue to buy her beers. After her seventh or eighth beverage, she should be hungry enough for such a traditional meal as the slaw dog. Buy her two on the way home. When you get home and she sucks your dick, throat fuck her. When she starts to gag, you punch her stomach hard enough so that that she pukes up the hot dog and slaw all over your cock. When that happens, without hesitating, start fucking her. If performed correctly, she should have chunks or hot dog and slaw oozing from her vag.
"She thought she was just going to have a nice day at the game, but when I saw how drunk she was getting, I couldnt resist the Dirty South Slaw Dog!!"
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While participating in the doggy style sex position, the female shits on your dick
Dude!! She dirty dogged me so hard. There was smelly shit everywhere. I guess that’s why my mother calls her the dirty dog
by Dino Comber August 18, 2021
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The act of partaking in anal sex while the person has chunky diarrhea. Than removing the poop covered penis and forcing the recipient to eat said chunky diarrhea off of the penis thus completing the dirty chili dog
Yo Becky let me give her a dirty chili dog she mad weird homie
by SpittyWasHere May 9, 2022
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When a man with the biggest head in the west attempts to insert it into a womans vagina and having it violently rip open while his parents watch.
I saw the Craziest video last night Owen gave Simran the dirty O-dog last night
by It's ya boiii November 22, 2021
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A very unclean person unwashed and without sexual cleanliness
See that girl she’s been with all the guys she’s dog dirty that one
by Memo check December 8, 2018
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A person who is very sexual active. They typically get it on a lot, whenever, wherever.
Yo man, did you hear what Hayden did last night?
Nah, I didn’t.

Dudes a dirty, dirty dog
Classic Hayden
by PBOTT October 6, 2021
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when youre doing doggy style and she starts eating dill pickle and his breath starts smelling like doodoo so you spit in his mouth and he throws up and you cum in his mouth
hey what were you and jill up to last night we were doing a dirty dog
by imaginarygirlfriend January 12, 2022
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