Brothers ruin lives. I’m saying this because my brother ruins my life. Just know I hit my brother with a lunch box. He is such a loser.
Me(Lesso):what is up, loser
Brother: shut up
*i hit him in the back*
by Lesso June 18, 2020
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Let's not forget in the South white guys often say 'Brother' to other white guys.
Example: Hey brother. Hey meaning hello down South.
by Hank33161 September 9, 2007
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1.A sibling related to you by blood. Someone who you stick your neck out for, and who does the same for you.
2.Someone non-related to you, but who cares about you, like a brother, and who you care about like a brother.
1.*Via text* Hey, bro, our parents aren't pissed anymore, come home.

2.I've known John Doe for so long, he is like my brother.
by whynot138 June 22, 2011
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A person of the male persuasion who came out of the same vagina as you.
Steven Baldwin came from the same vagina as Alec Baldwin. They are brothers.
by Dorothy Deliri July 19, 2009
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1. In the younger sense, an uninteligent being often bred for the father's satisfaction of having a male to carry on the family name. After birth, his life is purposeless.
2. A brandon, gay, or stupid
3. An act so stupid it recieves immediate sarcasm
He brothered yesterday, and we've been bothering him ever since.

dude 1: I have a brother.
dude 2: Sorry.
by Fobo the Hobo January 4, 2008
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An ass that you love under that sheet of hatred and sometimes want to beat the shit out of
by Skullsmasher718 July 21, 2017
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