A huge ass wang!

A piece of wood, similar to a 2 by 4
Shit dawg! That guy has a six by six!
by Not Chris Kendig June 7, 2004
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in europe we have four by four but in the US they have six by six
by Stef June 14, 2004
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A person who is so incredibly ugly that they become attractive.
Everyone wants to sleep with them.
Also can sometimes be referred too as a "MEGA-SIX" but only in extreme cases, like Wendy.

*Sees random really ugly person across the street*

Emily Kirkham: SIX!!
by sixman April 18, 2009
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When someone thinks they are a ten on the hot scale and they are in fact to the rest of the world a 6 or below;it is also highly contageous and many a time sixes will clump together in groups only fueling more of each others dellusional thoughts.
Person 1: Omg did you see Clara and Tabor today they were just sitting around talking about how beautiful they were!
Person 2: Oh wow again I wish they would just look in the mirror and see that they are not that hot.
Person 1: I know they are total sixes.
by brownviking February 5, 2010
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Ya'll best be learnin' what ghetto slang is...

A "six" is not a 6 cylinder car.
A "six" is not a top of the line mercedes.

When rappers refer to a "six" they are speaking about a six figure item (typically a car). Why the hell would Jay-Z rap about a buick, pacer or pinto (all of which are available in 6 cylinders)????
See the 20's looking mean on the six.

We all know a 20 is a 20 inch rim. It's on a six figure car, not a six cylinder car.
by Troy G December 8, 2006
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the number of digits to try to find hentai
P1: What's the sauce?
P2: gives a six-digit number
P1: thanks the hentai is great
by -=GMAN=- January 23, 2019
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the cops are referred to as five oh, so to be on the six, you are one ahead of the cops
by shanu May 26, 2005
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