any police officer who does their job correctly
Police officer: *arrests a person for drunk driving*
Arrested person: NAZI FALSE ARREST
by very not pro person August 22, 2021
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A jovial form of insult, only recently available due to legal/social attitudes.

Also can be used to someone controlling over any area of life
"Oi you theivin' nazi bastard"

"Health Nazi" (J Gaunt, 2008)

"Hello you daft nazi fool" (to be said in germanic accent)
by Norfolk Panther February 20, 2009
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Politcal party in germany a short time before and during WWII. Lead by Adolf Hitler, we all know hitler had a small penis, taking over the world was his way of trying to compensate.
Hitler-Hey, i got a small penis, wanna kill some jews, or maybe black's, eh fuck it, lets just kill em all. we'll call ourself's the Nazis. and while were at it lets take a symbol from another people, and make it ours.
nazi-OKAY SIR!
by RPB February 28, 2006
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Is an acronym for the german word "Nationalsozialistische" meaning national socialist. Mostly used to reffer to the nazis in 1930's germany
The nazi party took over in germany in 1933
by UnbiasedUser March 6, 2021
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Basicly a group of people that believe in white power. i guess i would be considered an enemy cause im not aryan. Surprisingly, there is a website that they have which is pathetic, yet scary. Google search Nazi if you want to take a look-see. also see prep
nazis hate anything different than them because they are stupid morons.
by _Cory_ June 9, 2005
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Due to the fact that the navy officer didn't do anything today makes him a nazy :)
by hanuh May 18, 2010
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an insult used commonly in online political debates (mostly by leftists) because the other person disagrees with them
"pro choicers are nazis"
"religous people are nazis"
by strange liberal November 13, 2020
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